Demographic Consequences of COVID-19

Demographic Consequences of COVID-19

19 JUN 2020

IIASA and the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration are hosting an online symposium on 29 Jun 2020.

Homo sapiens literata - the brainpower for sustainable development

Homo sapiens literata - the brainpower for sustainable development

16 JUN 2020

Wolfgang Lutz published a new paper with the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

Age, gender and COVID-19 infections

Age, gender and COVID-19 infections

27 MAY 2020

A new preprint by Tomas Sobotka et al. shows that in ten European countries women of working age are more likely to be infected with COVID-19 than men.

Corresponding Research Areas: Family and Fertility, Health and Longevity, Population, Environment and Sustainable Development

Redistributive effects of different pension systems when longevity varies by socioeconomic status

Redistributive effects of different pension systems when longevity varies by socioeconomic status

13 MAY 2020

Sanchez-Romero et al. find that socioeconomic group-specific life tables are needed for restoring the progressivity of pension systems.

Corresponding Research Areas: Population Economics

Why especially young people are affected by the COVID-19 crisis

Why especially young people are affected by the COVID-19 crisis

12 MAY 2020

Economically seen, young adults are the most vulnerable group. (Interview with Bernhard Binder-Hammer in German)

Corresponding Research Areas: Population Economics

The COVID-19 epidemic intensifies existing inequalities

The COVID-19 epidemic intensifies existing inequalities

12 MAY 2020

Population groups are hit to various degrees by the COVID-19 crisis. (Interview with Erich Striessnig in German)

Corresponding Research Areas: Population, Environment and Sustainable Development

A new approach to measuring inequalities in development

A new approach to measuring inequalities in development

30 APR 2020

A new study by S. Scherbov and S. Gietel-Basten systematically explored the use of the Human Life Indicator as a means of measuring progress in development.

ERC Proof of Concept grant for Sergei Scherbov

ERC Proof of Concept grant for Sergei Scherbov

28 APR 2020

This project will explore how to make pension policies more equitable and ensure new measures of population ageing are up-to-date.

COVID-19 customized charts & data: New website to analyse the pandemic worldwide

COVID-19 customized charts & data: New website to analyse the pandemic worldwide

7 APR 2020

Compare the development of the COVID-19 pandemic across the world and create customized charts.

WIC researchers demand data access

WIC researchers demand data access

6 APR 2020

Open letter by Austrian scientists to Health Minister Rudolf Anschober.

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